Exams & Assessments
The Sierra Leone Grammar School assesses it’s pupils twice a term, with tests that are two to three weeks apart. The first test usually starts three to four weeks after the recommencement of the term, followed by the second test.
The only exception is the third term, where no tests are taken, but rather a promotional exam is taken close to the end of the term. The time and date for the exam are normally communicated to the pupils of the school by the principal or their class teachers.
About the BECE
The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) is taken in the final grade in junior secondary school. Students who pass this exam graduate onto senior secondary school.
Students take exams in eight subjects. These are split into four ‘core’ subjects (Mathematics, English Language, Social Studies and Integrated Science) and four ‘optional’ subjects.
In each subject, students can get a score ranging from 1 (Excellent) to 7 (Fail). The pass mark for each subject is 6. Students must pass the four core subjects and two optional subjects in order to graduate onto senior secondary school. The overall pass mark for the BECE is 36 (a score of ‘6’ across six subjects).
About the WASSCE
The West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is taken in the third year of senior secondary school. Students take exams in nine subjects.
These are split into two compulsory subjects (Mathematics and English Language) and seven subjects of the student’s choice. In each subject, students can get a numeric grade ranging from 1 (Excellent) to 9 (Fail). The pass mark for each subject is 8. Students must pass at least five subjects (including Mathematics and English Language) with a numeric grade of 6 (Credit) or higher in order to qualify for university study.
The overall pass mark for the WASSCE nationally is calculated as being the difference between a score of ‘9’ in nine subjects (81) and a score of ‘6’ across five subjects (30), ie an overall score of 51.